Life Lessons So Far Read And Add Your Part

Can a topic be more advanced than life?

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Life Lessons So Far Read And Add Your Part

Life – is the quality that people, animals, and plants have when they are not dead, and which objects and substances do not have.

But this is a boring definition, yet we will take it as it is

Living in this world, without confusing ourselves about sciences, discoveries of sorts, and religions then you should know that this life differs from one person to the other, no one can say lives should be lived this way or that way

But we can all agree that there is a way this can be better for an individual and how it would have been preferred by many people or the whole world if I should say

Qualities of life according to me the author

only those who don’t see other good things, or things that others are in possession of for the betterment of themself and their lives, then you are sorted in life.

I have heard the saying “money is the root of all evil” I could not agree more but without money who are you? does being poor make you a better person, it can be changed to “being poor by choice makes you evil not money”

a person with money/wealth can be happy more a person without money

the pretense people give when they don’t have money and to be happy with their lives is bad

life + money equals a better chance of living longer

things that make life miserable

overthinking does not pay bills, living in this world is a dept that needs to be paid somehow, so thinking about making life better and then doing nothing about it will make your life miserable, an overthinker or successful overthinker will teach you how to think but not what to do after thinking about a specific thing

all people should overthink about their lives and also wake up to do what they want to do on time, overthinking and sitting down does nothing to anyone

though it may seem overrated or inappropriate, you know the only secret to a better life is when you are not nice to individuals, not being rude, or violent, people tend to prey on nice people.

nice habits lead to people coming into your life, wasting your time while being nice and funny, and comforting others while you only progress in the funny part

people who are wealthy, and have a better/much better life are loners, they walk alone and they are not living to impress friends and family, time for that will come and friends and family are more manipulators of one’s time than all things around the world isn’t it?

for example, find the most successful person you know, they are not funny nor social magicians they just know that being nice always wastes time, and a lot of people don’t know that.

straight away you should know that this doesn’t lead to a greater destination because you can’t run out of people to impress in this world, unless if progression to you is to impress other people till you part this earth.

if your happiness comes when you had impressed someone with what you have then that’s life, continue doing that.

if someone can tell me what impressing people bring other than attention then that person knows the purpose of life.

no one on this planet is willingly trying to help everyone succeed, everyone does what will lead to him/her living a better life, why do I say so, I can only teach you what I know in detail, if teaching someone is me saying that they can succeed more than me then that’s a lie.

I only now know so much and I can teach people so little or as much as I can so long as I don’t exceed what I know

everyone is minding their business so we should mind our own

there are people who know, but few people are willing to share what a good life is according to themselves

it is a shame when someone dedicates their life to helping people but no one is even listening to them, people are so confused and/or have a bad experience that no one can say something to improve theirs, people had been through a lot that nothing makes sense because it will believe the last time

life revolves around yourself, you know that this world belongs to you when you sleep at night, the day you dream of yourself as someone else know that this doesn’t favor you or doesn’t belong to you

until you realize that all things that you think are happening where you haven’t been, there is nothing there, what if all the things you know are just projections of your mind’s creations?

Phelisa Nikelo
You can improve yourself and your life by focusing on things that are good for you, including challenging negative self-talk, practicing self-respect, managing stress, and resolving conflict in your relationships.
Whether you want to boost your mood, get better at time management, develop healthy personal habits, or focus on self-growth, self-improvement is key to enhancing your quality of life.
Even if it feels challenging at the moment, or you feel you’ve tried and couldn’t before, it is possible to feel better about yourself and fulfill your dreams and goals.

According to Phelisa Nikelo

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Life Lessons So Far Read And Add Your Part

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