IEB Matric Results: A Record-Breaking 98.47% Pass Rate
IEB Achieves Historic Success, Matric Results
Find out how the IEB obtained the 2024 NSC matric results pass rate of 98. 47% and become the first batch in five years.
This results implies the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) has laid a new impressive record as it scored 98.47% in the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination. This pass rate is the highest for the past five years indicating the students’ ability to endure Tight a DWE of 88.59% of the pupils got university entry passes which was slightly higher than that recorded in the previous year.
Speaking during the briefing, Confidence Dikgole of IEB applauded the students for the hard work it took to succeed regardless of some of the challenges they went through in school most especially due to the COVID 19 outbreak. She said “These pupils and exemplify resilience and perseverance” Examining those figures it is seen that 7.56% proceeded to diploma study, while 1.53% achieved a Higher Certificate pass.
The class of 2024 managed to tackle multiple challenges and become winners despite all the changes they had to face along the way. More candidates wrote this year due to confidence in IEB assessments which recorded 14990 full time candidates across 275 centres.
Here, advice on the use of technology in learning and teaching is important, and this is exactly what IEB focuses on in its attempt to foster critical thinking among students as far as technology is leading the learning process in higher institutions. Bout the examinations, Umalusi paid a lot of attention to monitor all the exams to qualify the results to be veryทางการ
intact and credible.
In conclusion, this paper has put forward a successful record of the IEB in the recent NSC exams which augurs well for the future of learner who sets an intention to join the higher learning institutions.